Owned by those we serve
Duane Ver Ploeg

About Duane
District 4 Director
PCEA's representative to the CIPCO Board of Directors
Duane and his wife Kathy have been PCEA members since 1973. Duane has been a grain and livestock farmer since 1973 at the family farm 4 miles south of Pella. In addition to serving on the PCEA Board, he has served on the Marion County Board of Adjustments and as Marion County Fair Swine Superintendent. Duane enjoys having the opportunity to be involved in any organization and considers it an honor to be elected to serve the membership of our Cooperative.
Steve Inskeep

About Steve
Steve Inskeep
Vice President
District 3 Director
Steve and his wife Kim have been PCEA members since 2013. Steve retired after 35 years as General Manager of Knoxville Water Works. Other activities and committees he has served on have been President of the Knoxville Board of Education, Chairman of Iowa Section of the American Water Works Association, Secretary of the Knoxville Reserve Police Department and a member of the Knoxville Industrial Development Commission. Steve feels his previous experience as a utility manager brings a useful and unique perspective to the Board, as someone who has dealt with issues of a somewhat similar nature from an operations standpoint. He has also served on the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives Heath Care Board. Steve's main goal while serving on the Board is always being able to continue to provide safe, reliable and affordable energy to members, in terms of cost and benefits.
Bryce Arkema

About Bryce
Bryce Arkema
At-Large Director
Bryce and his wife Donna have been PCEA members since 1981 and live northeast of Pella where Bryce farms. Bryce presently serves as Secretary on the PCEA Board, the Key Cooperative Board as a director, and on the Hawkeye Pension Board for Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives. Bryce believes in the cooperative system of members owning the business. By serving as a voice on the Board of Directors, it allows him part responsibility in hiring the CEO and setting the policies of the Cooperative. As a board, concern for the safety of our employees is a top priority. As a director, he wants to help offer dependable and affordable energy for our member-owners. He believes it is important to continue meeting the needs of our consumers in this ever-changing industry of generating electricity.
Bob Van Soelen

About Bob
Bob Van Soelen
At-Large Director
Bob and his wife Marilyn have been PCEA members since 2004. Bob is a retired Ag business owner. Bob has served as a golf club director and on school boards. He has enjoyed his time as a director working with the CEO and employees of PCEA. He feels it has been challenging and rewarding. Many things have been accomplished during his time on the board; the completion of a several million-dollar FEMA project, the AMI meter system, office renovations and the Zon Veld Solar Field to mention a few. As a Director, Bob will continue to use the training and education that the cooperative has provided and do his best to continue to make decisions based on fairness, honesty and integrity for our member-owned cooperative.
Darrell Boot

About Darrell
Darrell Boot
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
District 2 Director
Darrell has been a PCEA member since 1983. Darrell and his wife Bonnie have three children, daughter Jenna, sons Jay and Justin, and six grandchildren. Darrell enjoys traveling, hunting, restoring old tractors and trucks, and spending time with family. Darrell has enjoyed serving in the capacity as a director and will continue to do his best to learn more about the energy industry so that he can work along with the other directors to make wise decisions for the Cooperative and its membership.
Carroll Hoksbergen

About Carroll
Carroll Hoksbergen
At-Large Director
Carroll and his wife Kathy have been PCEA consumers since 1973. Carroll has farmed his whole life and retired in 2014 after 20 years working at 3M in Knoxville. In addition to serving on the PCEA Board of Directors, he has served on the Marion County Farm Bureau Board, and as a volunteer at the Hospice Comfort House in Pella. Carroll is fascinated with the whole cooperative way of doing business and how it has served farmers and families for over 80 years. The business model that we embrace is made effective by member ownership, with the unified commitment to provide safe, affordable, and reliable power to our members' homes and businesses. Going forward, Carroll plans to stay educated in sources of power, nationwide and locally. He would like to be instrumental in securing its safe and reliable delivery and maintenance while keeping it affordable for members of Pella Cooperative Electric.
Jon Van Woerkom

About Jon
Jon Van Woerkom
District 1 Director
Jon and his wife Glenda have been PCEA members since 1986. Jon owned and operated Pella Glass & Home Improvement Inc. for 24 years. On January 1, 2020 he sold the business and he now enjoys working for new owners. Jon has also been a volunteer fireman in Pella for 34 years. Jon feels the biggest challenge facing the cooperative today is being competitive in a market that small cooperatives can still serve their population. The strengths he feels he will bring to the board is the ability to bring an open mind and the ability to be the voice for people in his district.
Board members are members of Pella Cooperative Electric and are elected by the members of the co-op. Board members represent four districts: District 1 – Northwest Sector, District 2 – Northeast Sector, District 3 – Southwest Sector and District 4 – Southeast Sector; three "at-large" directors serve the co-op membership. Click here to see a district map of the co-op's service territory.
Director Responsibility
Pella Cooperative Electric is guided by an elected Board of Directors who represent its members’ best interest when making important decisions for the cooperative. Accepting responsibility to assume the position of a board member for the cooperative should not be taken lightly. Some responsibilities of the Board include: development of policy, governance standards and practices, setting rates, understanding power supply, strategic planning, financial decision making, promoting the cooperative business model, gaining insights on political and environmental impacts, and meeting member-consumer expectations. While directors are not salaried, they do receive compensation for meetings attended and reimbursed for travel and training expenses.
Monthly Board Meeting
Monthly Board Meetings are typically held on the 4th Thursday of each month. These meetings are normally day meetings beginning at 8:00 and typically last between 4 and 6 hours. At times there may be reasons to conduct Special Board Meetings. The date and time for these meetings are established on an as-needed basis. Directors should know how to use electronic devices such as an iPad to receive email and information. There is a great deal of financial, operational and general information sent to directors thru an App each month. Directors are expected to read the information in advance of the monthly board meeting and be prepared to engage in discussions inside the board room.
Follow the page links below to learn more about serving your cooperative as a director on the board.
Director Qualifications
Nominating Committee & Qualified Candidates