You have the opportunity to make a difference in our community with the RECare program. RECare was established to help low income members pay their electric bills and make weatherization improvements to their home. Unemployment and unexpected expenses are some of the many reasons why families fall behind on their energy bills.
By giving to the RECare program, your donation will go directly to families in our community. All funds are distributed by the cooperative to a local community action agency. Contributions can be made:
- as a monthly pledge;
- on a one-time basis; and
- matching donations are also accepted
If you choose to do a monthly pledge, the amount can simply be added to your electric bill. Discontinue your pledge at any time by contacting our office via email, phone (641-628-1040), or by mail (PO Box 106 | Pella, IA 50219).
Even a dollar a month can make a difference for those in need. Your contributions are also tax deductible. As you consider RECare, please let us know if you have questions.