By: Central College Intern Sarah Lindeman and PCEA Communications Director Amy Blunck
Rows of potted tulips, geraniums, mums, and all other varieties of plants fill up the greenhouses on Fifield Road in Pella. As you walk into De Jong Greenhouse, you are automatically welcomed by the employees as well as the plants.
“We’re digging more happiness,” said Hamza Daour, General Manager for De Jong Greenhouse, with a smile as he explained the business.
Founded in 1954, De Jong Greenhouse has been growing flowers and plants for customers across the Midwest for decades. Even before the business was founded, the greenhouse business in Pella existed with the De Jong family, back to the 1920s.
The importance of community coupled with a passion for horticulture is very evident, as well as the pride of their history and heritage. Decorating the office walls are pictures of Martin J. De Jong and Bill De Jong. It’s visible throughout the entire operation that keeping their legacy and the founding names part of the company culture is very important.
Today, the greenhouse is owned and operated by Dan & Jerry’s Greenhouses, which is based out of Minnesota but has six locations across the Midwest. The family-owned business bought De Jong Greenhouse four years ago from the De Jong family. Owners Dan and Jerry loved the story of the De Jongs, as well as the community of Pella. The fact that Dan & Jerry are great to work with is what aided the transition between ownership to go very smoothly.
Mark and Mary De Jong stayed on as managers for three years to help see the transition through, and last year De Jong Greenhouse brought Daour on board to manage the greenhouses. Many employees are seasonal – the greenhouses range from having 30 to 100 employees throughout the year.
“We have a great team. It feels like all of us are one big family. I like the rhythm of how our people work together and the trust we develop working together is great,” Daour stated when asked to explain his favorite part about working at De Jong Greenhouse.
Those statements can be supported by the fact that one employee has been a part of De Jong Greenhouse for 56 years. It’s very evident their mission of being morally operated reigns true.
“We appreciate that we are a part of a great, small community that allows us to always feel safe and protected,” Daour commented.
Selling just in the wholesale market, the greenhouses grow and distribute florals, annuals, vegetables, hanging baskets, garden mums, poinsettias, and patio pots. Their customers consist of big box stores – like Costco and Theisens – and floral stores.
“You bring this plant as a cutting from overseas and you take care of it, give it the right food, the right fertilizers, and environment - then it makes its way into to someone’s home as a hanging basket and puts a smile on their face. This is very enjoyable, “Daour said, “I always enjoy driving through any city and looking for my plants.”
When asked what the future for De Jong Greenhouse looks like, Daour explains, “We are looking to expand our production and distribution and bring more happiness and more variety to our consumers. We also want to keep a good, healthy work environment for our employees.”
So next time you are in your favorite garden center browsing new houseplants, check the tag on the plant you’ve picked up – it just may have been grown in our hometown at De Jong Greenhouse.